Important Information

Sunday, January 31, 1864

It was a beautiful day on the Gulf.  There was company inspection at 9:00 A.M. and a regimental inspection at 2:00 P.M.

Saturday, January 30, 1864

The weather was pleasant today and the regiment participated in brigade drill.  The rumor in camp was that the 4th division would  soon be returning to New Orleans.

Thursday, January 28, 1864

This afternoon Company K of the 130th Illinois Infantry got orders to strike their tents and move camp at 4 P.M.  They moved all of 40 yards southwest and camped alongside the marine regiment that had been put in the 2nd brigade today.

The 77th Illinois regiment transferred into the first brigade, 4th division, 13 A.C.  The 130th Illinois was part of the first brigade of the 4th Division of the 13th Army Corp.

Tuesday, January 26, 1864

Corporal James M. Redfern from Blueville was reported as deserted today.  He was assigned to Company D.

Sunday, January 24, 1864

Many of the soldiers enjoyed their Sunday on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico.  They gathered shells and returned to camp in the early evening tired and hungry.

Friday, January 22, 1864

Getting mail from home was, by far, the most important event in any soldier’s day.  The writing of letters home, and the anticipation of letters from home, consumed much of their time and thoughts.  This was normal and understandable considering the circumstances.

Thursday, January 21, 1864

Another day of fine weather.  The 130th Illinois Infantry conducted reconnaissance on Matagorda Peninsula today.

Wednesday, January 20, 1864

It was a warm day highlighted by a brigade drill commanded by Lt. Colonel Parker from the 48th Ohio.  The soldiers' rustiness was evident as there were many mistakes made by individuals, companies and regiments.

Tuesday, January 19, 1864

The men of the 48th Ohio regiment had wash day today.  All the men were excused from their duties to wash.  They had no drills or any other duties, except picket detail, which was very heavy.

Sunday, January 17, 1864

The favorable weather continued.  Today was another warm clear day.  The soldiers are enjoying the weather so much, they are afraid there will be a northerner any day again, and they dread it more than another battle.

Saturday, January 16, 1864

It was another nice day that got even better when the men drew their rations.  They received full rations and the spirits were generally high throughout the camp.

Thursday, January 14, 1864

Many of the regiments on the island found out today they will begin to drill in a few days.  Most have not had any drill since arriving in Texas because of the weather.

When not on the move or fighting, drilling was a major part of every soldier’s daily routine.  The men generally hated drill but it kept them busy and disciplined.  There were all kinds of drills:  company drills, regimental drills, brigade drills, etc.  The men thought they were boring, monotonous, drawn out affairs, that were pointless.

Wednesday, January 13, 1864

The weather continued to improve today and the soldiers had plenty to eat.  Now that the storm was over, the men began setting up their camp as a  more permanent installation.

Tuesday, January 12, 1864

The soldiers on the island were in brighter spirits today, as they received a fresh supply of provisions.

Monday, January 11, 1864

The weather continued to get warmer and more pleasant today.  The men's spirits were rising along with the rising temperatures.  While they had no coffee, sugar or candles, the soldiers were satisfied with rations of bread and meat.

Sunday, January 10, 1864

Today was a better day for everyone.  The weather was a little more mild, and the winds were not as severe.  Plus, they had bread for breakfast and received to days rations of bread.

Saturday, January 9, 1864

There was no bread again today, but there was some meat and rice.

Friday, January 8, 1864

The regiment was not out of bread and there was none to be found on the peninsula.  The wind was still blowing, it was cold, and the men were hungry.  Crackers were only issued to the men on picket duty - they each received six round soda crackers per day.

Men on picket duty guarded the perimeter of their camp.  The duty was so important, that when food was scarce, they were the only ones to eat.

Thursday, January 7, 1864

The weather is still unchanged.  Food stores are becoming scarce, and there was no prospect for resupply, as the waves were to high and the seas to rough for the ships to land.

Tuesday, January 5, 1864

The cold weather continued, and wood was very scare.  There may have been wood on the Gulf shore, but it was too cold for the men to venture out after it.  Most of them stayed out of the wind huddled in their tent.

Monday, January 4, 1864

Many men in the regiment were in need of clothing, but supplies were very short.

Today Private John F. Owen, from Company G died in New Orleans.  He was from Mattoon, Illinois.

Sunday, January 3, 1864

The weather moderated slightly, but the soldiers were doing little, other than trying to keep warm.  Many of the men were ill due to the exposure to the frigid weather.

Saturday, January 2, 1864

It was still cold and windy.  Then weather made the men miserable, and it was all they could do to keep their tents from blowing down.

Friday, January 1, 1864

The hard winter weather continued.  It was very cold today - almost freezing - and the wind continued to howl.  There was no opportunity to build a cook fire due to the wind.  So, there was no turkey or chicken or anything special for their New Year's dinner.  But the men were happy with their hardtack and cold rice.