Important Information

Saturday, March 26, 1864

The regiment was on the march at 7:30 this morning and reached Alexandria at noon.  They camped just above the city on the Bayou Rapides.  The soldiers believe they'll stay here until Monday and start for Shreveport.  There are a huge number of troops in town.

Alexandria was the meeting place for all of the troops that were to participate in the Red River Campaign, and it was quite a sight to behold.  The force assembled at Alexandria was composed as follows:  under General Banks, the 19th corps, commanded by General Franklin, a portion of the 13th corps, commanded by General Ransom, and about 5,000 cavalry under General A. L. Lee, making in all from 17,000 to 18,000 men; General A. J. Smith, with 10;000 men, was there from General Sherman' s command; and Admiral Porter was there with a large fleet of iron-clads.