Important Information

Sunday, April 10, 1864

The retreat marched until 3:00 A.M. this morning and did not start up again until 8:00 A.M. Captain DeCamp was now in command of 130th Illinois Infantry Regiment, as Major Reid was missing. (He had been shot and captured by the Confederates).

They soon completed the 35 mile march from Pleasant Hill and arrived at Grand Ecore.  Here they had some protection from the gunboats on the river.

Private William Wiley from the 77th Illinois described the march:
We were badly worn out. I had marched for two nights and two days barefooted and bare headed. My feet were so swollen I could hardly walk during the last night. . . A great many of our wounded were being hauled back in the ambulances and wagons and the poor fellows were having a hard time of it and we could hear their moans and cries as they were hauled along on that weary march and many one of them died that might have lived if they could have had proper care.