Important Information

Friday, June 23, 1865

Today a special order from the 13th Army Corps headquarters in Galveston, Texas was received.

The organization formerly known as the 130th Illinois Volunteer Infantry (discontinued on January 25th 1865) is now, subject to the approval of the War Department, revived.  All men of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, whose term of service will not expire on or before September 1, 1865, and all officers and men now with the 77th who were transferred from the 130th Illinois Volunteer Infantry will be formed into a battalion composed of companies of maximum strength.  They didn't have enough men to form a full regiment, hence the "battalion of companies."

The organization known as the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and all men whose term of service expires on or before September 1st will be mustered out as soon as the transfer noted above is completed.