However, the rough seas made this impossible. And so the "Continental" rolled and pitched in the waves. The men could look out over the gulf and see other transport steamers in the same situation.
In recognition of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, I hope to chronicle the daily life of my great-great grandfather, William Fleming. He served with the 130th Illinois Infantry. I also have a great-great grandfather, William Henry Ellis, who served with the North Carolina Cavalry. Unfortunately, I do not have much information about his service, but perhaps I'll mix in some of his story in when time allows.
Tuesday, December 15, 1863
After the stormy passage the steamer arrived in sight of Pass Cavallo. As there was no wharf, pier or dock, the steamer dropped anchor. In ideal conditions smaller boats with shallow drafts would come along side the steamer and transport the men and their supplies to the island.