Important Information

Sunday, March 26, 1865

The men of the 77th moved our very early this morning.  General Smith marched off on a road leading to the right, while General Bertram went to the left.  The 1st and 3rd Divisions of the 13th Army Corps (including the 77th Illinois and William Fleming) marched up the center.

As they were drawing closer to Spanish Fort, every precaution was taken to guard against attacks.  They marched for about 10 miles and went into camp within 2.5 miles of the Confederate stronghold.

William Fleming described the evening activities:
we was imployed the most of the night in fortifying and the rest of the night laid in line of battle
Private William Wiley of the 77th Illinois also had a narration of the night:
We formed our lines around the rebel's works a mile or two back from the forts and threw up some breastworks by cutting logs and piling them up and throwing dirt over them. We worked until 10 pm and then our band got up on top of our works and serenaded the rebels.